The Authentic Leader Motivates and Inspires Greatness in Others

Resources And Training Services

The Definition of "Authentic Leadership"

Authentic leadership is about using your leadership skills to motivate and inspire others to do great things. Among the core characteristics and traits of this leadership style, are integrity, self-awareness and introspection, personal courage, and a sincere sense of service to create positive change in our world.

Authentic leadership is about stimulating the greater good. It is not about getting people to follow your lead.....

Like I tell my wonderful university students, it is about "leading from the middle" not from the top. ~

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Liberate The Leader Within You.....And Great Things Will Happen

"For what we've discovered, and rediscovered, is that leadership isn't the private reserve of a few charismatic men and women. It's a process ordinary people use when they're bringing forth the best from themselves and others. Liberate the leader in everyone, and extraordinary things happen."

Kouzes & Posner

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Are people born with authentic leadership skills and abilities?