The Authentic Leader Motivates and Inspires Greatness in Others

Resources And Training Services

The Definition of "Authentic Leadership"

Authentic leadership is about using your leadership skills to motivate and inspire others to do great things. Among the core characteristics and traits of this leadership style, are integrity, self-awareness and introspection, personal courage, and a sincere sense of service to create positive change in our world.

Authentic leadership is about stimulating the greater good. It is not about getting people to follow your lead.....

Like I tell my wonderful university students, it is about "leading from the middle" not from the top. ~

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The One Word That Describes Your Purpose

Recently while reading a human resource management group website, I noted the following question: "In one word, what is your purpose?" Hmmmm, I thought. What a great question with such wonderful potential for answers. The idea is that there is greatness of purpose in every human being and, sadly, too many of us never take the time to identify what our purpose is. Once identified, in all things, we can ask ourselves, "Is what I am doing, planning for, and spending my time with, does it resonate and support my 'purpose'? If not, why am I using up energy in that direction?"

When you think about one of the principles of Appreciative Inquiry, the Anticipation Principle, this one word can be a trigger point to all of our positive visions and future action. Anticipation is an incredible catalytic force. The images we have of the future in large part dictate our current and future behavior and decision making. The Anticipation Principle teaches us the images we have of our future will pull us in the direction we will move. Why not link the one word describing our purpose with where we are headed?

The one word that describes my purpose with Willeford Group consulting is: CHANGE

Coaching others to become hopeful, capable, and worthy in their life and work;
Helping clients to develop new strategic intention and direction for positive and deep change;
Aligning client goals, strategies, structures, and style to their newly identified strategic intention;    
Nurturing mental fitness, emotional IQ, physical wellness, and spiritual connectedness (mind, body, and spirit) so client's sustain greatness;
Generating provocative possibilities of the future for my clients; and,
Energizing Action and Whole System Positive Change!

I feel and see a better and brighter world. Do you?

Are people born with authentic leadership skills and abilities?